MSD TopDiary 1.20

MSD TopDiary is a personal and professional diary software that allows to annotate all sorts of information and events related to what is really important to you. Traditional diaries only have one member, you. MSD TopDiary allows to have an unlimited number of members in the diary.
The Diary allows to store any kind of information related to members, like contracts, invoices, documents, appoinments, emails sent or received, phone calls, dates, holidays, etc.

MSD TopDiary Main Features

The program allows to keep a detailed diary, not only of your personal and professional activities and events, but also about any other member of the diary.
The program can also be used by companies to keep track along time of projects, employees, clients, machinery, vehicles, etc.
It can be used to manage the information of schools, nurseries, nursing homes, etc. In short, it can be used to control any set of people that need to be tracked over time.
You can keep track of the money spent by every member of the diary using the "Currency" field of the diary database.
You can add an image to every event of the diary. So, images can have a comment and a date.
Images are automatically resized before storing them into the database. You can configure the maximum width or height of stored images.
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1 vote Vote

Make it easier to use.

I like the idea of a diary program but it should be super fast for people to add entries. One suggestion would be to have the app automatically open to the Diary entry for today. It can assume that you want to enter your thoughts and either take...
Gaian, 08.08.2018, 14:18
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Keep track of hours on a task

This is a lovely diary and activity log. You should tie it into a captured timesheet spent on each task. As long as that entry is open.
glen, 09.08.2018, 00:58